Well done to all the club members who got out on the first to mark the opening of another season. It was a foggy day and unseasonably warm. It made for tough going – it was hard on the guns and the dogs but in the end there was a fair bit of game met.
Everyone assembled in the Roaring Donkey and a great night kicked off with cold beers and tall tales. At 8.30 we settled down to the business of the weigh in and measurements…
Congratulations to Decky Collins who won the Longest bird competition with a fine cock of 37.75 inches. Decky took home a lovely shooting jacket and pair of leggings for his prize. He also got the perpetual trophy for Longest Bird. Second place went to Martin Drake who won a waist coat. Martin, as Chairman, presented all the prizes. Third went to Waldon Drake who took home a gun slip.

Heaviest Bird went to Joe Whelan. Eric Field was second and third was Shane Halligan.

In the mixed bag competition it was a close run thing for first place. Both Danny Browne and Myles Kelly had the full compliment of Pheasant, Duck, Snipe, Woodcock, Pigeon and Rabbit. It went down to the longest tail and Myles won out. Another jacket for first and waistcoat to Danny for Second. Joe Whelan took third place with a smaller bag and won a gunslip.

With the formalities over there was a raffle for those who didn’t make the “winner’s circle“. A couple of bottles of whiskey, sponsored and presented by Killian Tighe of the Roaring Donkey, and shotgun and rifle cleaning kit were up for grabs. Jimmy McGrath was a grateful recipient of at least one of the bottles.

Venison Burgers were supplied by the deer shooting members and many thanks to Niamh Drake for making sure they turned out just right. Southern fried chicken,chips and plenty more were set out and shared with all the patrons of the Donkey in what was a very successful night for the Club.

Many thanks again to all the members who made the night and especially to Killian Tighe for giving us the use of the Roaring Donkey.