The Pinewood Clay Target Club’s next shoot will be Sporting and DTL. Continue reading Clay pigeon shoot at Pinewood – 26 June

The Pinewood Clay Target Club’s next shoot will be Sporting and DTL. Continue reading Clay pigeon shoot at Pinewood – 26 June
The East Cork Gun club AGM will be held on 23 June in the Cobh Parish Centre.
The AGM will start at 8pm. Continue reading AGM – 8pm, 23 June
For sale: Italian hammer action 10 bore.
Great condition.
Well done to all the club members who got out on the first to mark the opening of another season. It was a foggy day and unseasonably warm. It made for tough going – it was hard on the guns and the dogs but in the end there was a fair bit of game met.
Everyone assembled in the Roaring Donkey and a great night kicked off with cold beers and tall tales. At 8.30 we settled down to the business of the weigh in and measurements…