AGM Reminder

Just a reminder about the A.G.M. which is tonght @8.00 p.m. in the parish centre Cobh.

The A.G.M. will take place on Wednesday 3rd June2015 in the Parish Centre Cobh at 8.00.p.m.

The usual agenda will apply. Any proposals, motions or membership applications will have to be received by me in writing before Wednesday 27th May 2015.

Membership fees will be accepted on the night but only in cheque, draft or postal order. No cash will be accepted. Monies can be lodged directly into the club bank account the following are the details.

IBAN ie67aibk93412708003053 BIC aibkie2d.

You have to include your name and N A R G C no. with the lodgement. Please keep proof of lodgement.

Subscriptions are Adult under 65 €125.00 Over 65 €70.00 Under 16 €25.00 Club only is €55.00 and must be accompanied with a copy of current N A R G C card.